Update at VPI! New book! Moths and Mothing
An Introduction to MOTHS and MOTHING stands out as an unusual book in the body of literature devoted to moths. The book is subtitled Featuring the Moths of the Devils River, and the book is entirely illustrated with moths all photographed at one site located along the middle stretch of the Devils River in Val Verde County, Texas. Many of these moths can be found all over Texas and a surprising number are found throughout the country. The book is 243 pages in length. The book is image-rich, illustrated with 820 pictures and 13 beautiful full-page patterns created from the colors and patterns of moths.
The first half of the book is a general introduction to moths—the small, fluttery, nocturnal, lepidopteran insects found world-wide. It is rich with information on how to observe, photograph and identify moths. Mothing is to moths as birding is to birds, and people everywhere are participating in mothing. The second half of the book is a record of the moths photographically recorded by the author over a five year period at one place along the Devils River in 106 plates of images.
This book is written and illustrated for all ages and for all levels of interest. It is an excellent book for kids interested in animals and natural history. It is a great book for all ages of people interested in observing the natural world.

Available NOW in the VPI store!
EMAIL Dave for more info! vpi@beecreek.net

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