Slackline | Level 1 | Level 2 | Golden Eye | Pixel

The Slackline project though multileveled and highly variable, may be way more predictable in terms of making the final level Slacklines, and this could become one of the coolest projects we have done!
This is an extremely unusual, what we call 3 level project.
Level 1: The original animals had thick bands.When we bred those we got some animals that were variably striped with pattern on the sides We have designated these striped animals Level 2.
Level 2: These variably striped animals when bred to each other make more of the same, Level 1 banded animals, and fully striped animals with patternless sides, what we call Level 3, the Slackline!
Level 3 This is The Slackline!: When you breed Slackline x Slackline you make all Slackline! These are amazing!!
What we know so far:
1) Level 2 x Level 2 = everything including Normal, Level 1, Level 2, and Slackline
2) Level 2 x Slackline = Level 2 and Slackline
3) Slackline x Slackline = All Slackline
4) Slackline x Normal = All Level 2
The question is are the Level 2 animals the incomplete dominant of the "Super" Slackline? What does that make Level 1?!
There is also a Hypo version that was naturally occurring in the morph. How does that all work?! Stay tuned!
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